Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Not Enough Time!

I wish I had more time. I just need a bit more time. I squander a lot of time sure, but still...

I have been feeling very discombobulated lately. Scattered. It seems like I have too many balls in the air, but when I look, I mean really look at what I do and what I need to do in a day, it seems like there should be more time.

As I get older I find myself less efficient. There was a time when I was always moving, doing...cleaning. I was painfully OCD about my cleaning. I'm much better now. In fact, there are a few dishes in the sink this very minute and is that, wait, yes it is, a dust ball in the corner. I feel very good about my ability to allow my house to become just this side of messy whilst I widdle away my time lounging on the couch, iBook in my lap and/or phone to my ear. And even with this squandered time, I find it difficult to post here at my humble blog. It might have something to do with Cunt Face Social Club and my super secret society blog site. I get to do my ranting and bitching there, but I really should take more time to pay attention to my lonely, largely unread blog.

Would you visit me if I did?


Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

Oh, I don't ever have enough time either. What's up with that?! And you know I'll visit you here there and everywhere, e. I always do. :)

Stepbackjack said...

How little I get to read that word in my daily life. Thank you.

Mantramine said...

I would remember to come more

Meghan McKee said...

Wonder Twin!!!! i keep losing your damn site but now i found it, thanks to MPJ public shaming! hehe. and i am very happy you used discombobulated. That word makes me smile. :)